Basement waterproofing is an important home improvement task, especially in areas like Kansas City that experience a lot of rainfall. By waterproofing your basement, you can help to prevent water damage to your home and protect your belongings from flooding.

As you might be aware, home and business owners in Kansas and Missouri experience foundation problems at an extreme rate. According to data from Google Trends, a service that tracks internet search volume over the past several years, Kansas City is among the most active metropolitan areas for “foundation repair” and “basement waterproofing” related search queries in the entire United States. Soil is the big problem in the region and it’s the primary factor contributing to the region’s instability in structural foundations and wet basements. When home and business owners notice wet basements or cracks in a structure’s foundation, it is important that a professional foundation waterproofing and repair specialist be brought in to assess the problem and recommend necessary solutions. If problems are left to persist, further damage will occur and costs for repair will skyrocket.

In foundation waterproofing, the first step is to identify the source of the leak in the wet basement. This usually is done by conferring with the home or business owner to determine when and where the problem began to occur. It helps in the diagnosis if the basement is unfinished because water leaves a trail. However, a well-trained Basement Advisor can also help find the source of the problem in a finished basement.


Wet basement solutions come in a variety of strategies, most involving the sealing of the foundation wall cracks in poured concrete foundations (poured concrete is the most common type of foundation in the Kansas City region). Cracks are easily visible in an unfinished basement. These leaking cracks leave water stains on the foundation wall. However, in a finished basement, the diagnosis should begin by identifying the area where the water is first entering the basement, then searching around the exterior of the structure for a crack. A good number of these cracks extend to the top of the foundation wall, which is normally exposed above the soil line. Cracks can also be sealed from the interior using an Epoxy / Urethane injection process or from the exterior using a Wall-Clay process. Both methods are reliable in preventing additional seepage through the crack and into the basement.

There is another common basement waterproofing problem where the source of the water leak is at the cove joint where the floor and wall meet. This is frequently caused by hydrostatic pressure, which occurs when the water table rises after a long period of rain or snow melt. The accumulated weight of water in the ground (8 pounds per gallon) forces water underneath the structure’s footing and up into the basement. The best solution for this type of problem is the installation of a Drain Tile System, where a sump pump is used to discharge the water. The drain tile (sometimes referred to as a French drain in other areas of the country) relieves the hydrostatic pressure by providing an easier path for the water to escape, thus eliminating the water’s pressure so that the seepage problem goes away. This problem can be addressed from either the interior or exterior of the structure.

Sump Pump Installation

My Foundation Repair is the go-to source for sump pump installation in Kansas City. Our team of trained professionals draw on years of experience to ensure you get the best installation possible each and every time.

Our basement contractors only use top-quality components that are proven to last, so you can count on us to keep your structure safe from flooding and water damage. We understand how important it is to trust the people you hire, which is why customer service is our number one priority. My Foundation Repair stands behind all our work — you won't be disappointed.


At My Foundation Repair, we are the go-to waterproofing contractors in Kansas City. Our staff is highly experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to processes such as installing interior and exterior drainage systems or applying waterproofing materials like vapor barriers and crawlspace encapsulation.

Additionally, our services are competitively priced and we take pride in delivering quality results that keep your home safe from water damage for years to come. With expertise, affordability, and superior customer service, it is no wonder My Foundation Repair has become the top choice for waterproofing services in Kansas City.


Most homes in Kansas City are built on a foundation of concrete or stone. Over time, however, these materials can settle or crack, allowing water to seep into the basement. Additionally, rain and melting snow can lead to hydrostatic pressure, which forces water through the cracks in the foundation. As a result, a wet basement is a common problem in Kansas City.

There are several ways to address this issue, including waterproofing the walls and installing a sump pump. However, the most effective solution is to prevent water from entering the basement in the first place. This can be done by properly grading the landscape around the house and ensuring that gutters and downspouts are clean and free of debris. By taking these precautions, you can help keep your basement dry and comfortable all year round.


Sometimes a diagnosis will show water coming in over the top of the foundation or through the mortar joints between the bricks that sit atop the foundation wall. This problem happens as a result of the exterior grade being built up above the top of the foundation wall, either by soil or, possibly, by a previous construction of a driveway, a walk area, or a patio. This can be readily confirmed by running a garden hose on the ground beside the problem area. Warning: water will often enter the basement rather quickly, so it is recommended that you be ready to turn the water off quickly.

Unfortunately, lowering the grade is not usually a viable option in this situation. It is usually recommended that an Exterior Subsoil Membrane be applied to the lower graded portion of the wall when this problem is encountered. The solution only needs to cover the wall from the soil line down and then overlap the foundation by only about 6 inches. Foundation waterproofing membranes are also effective for waterproofing brick, stone, and other hard surface foundations.