The variance in temperatures and the frequent tornadoes and thunderstorms in Missouri can cause trouble for foundations. It is important for those who live in Missouri to examine their foundations for signs of a problem and contact a foundation repair contractor as soon as any signs are found.

In Missouri, the foundation repair process begins with a thorough inspection of the property. This is typically performed by a certified foundation repair contractor. The inspection will identify any areas of concern, such as cracks in the foundation or walls that are not level. Once the inspection is complete, the foundation repair expert will develop a plan to repair the damaged areas. This may involve shoring up the foundation with steel beams or concrete piers. In some cases, it may be necessary to excavate around the foundation and install drainage systems to keep water away from the structure. Whatever the approach, the goal is to ensure that the foundation is repaired properly so that it can provide years of support for the property.


There are many different elements that can cause a foundation problem; the most common causes of foundation problems in Missouri include

Hydrostatic Pressure

When the ground around your foundation soaks in a lot of water, the hydrostatic pressure in the soil will also increase. This pressure pushes against the foundation, causing it to shift and crack.

Poor Soil Compaction

If the soil beneath the foundation is not properly packed down when the structure is built, it will eventually settle, taking the building down with it.


Erosion is common after a severe rain or sudden storm, washing away soil under your foundation and creating voids and spaces that lead to sinking and settlement.

Soil Shifting

Soil movement can occur for a variety of different reasons, including excessive organic materials, poor soil compaction, overloading, poor drainage and waterproofing, and expansive soils. This movement can cause the foundation to shift or sink.


Basically, if the soil beneath your building starts to shift or settle, a moving or sinking foundation will result. In addition, too much pressure or groundwater in the soil can also lead to foundation problems, such as a shifting foundation or crack formation. Foundation sinking, settling, shifting, or cracking can cause structural issues throughout the home. Most importantly, contact a repair professional right away if you see the signs of a foundation problem in your home.

Floor Cracks

In Missouri, it's not uncommon to see cracks in the floor. This is often caused by foundation damage, which can be caused by a number of factors, including settling soil, improper drainage, and water damage.

Foundation damage can be a serious problem, as it can lead to structural problems and even cause the collapse of the entire building. Therefore, it's important to have any cracks in the floor checked out by a professional as soon as possible. In many cases, repairs can be made to prevent further damage and keep the foundation strong.

cracks in drywall

Sloped or Uneven Floors

One of the most common signs of foundation damage is uneven or sloped floors. As your home’s foundation settles, it can cause the floors to become un-level. This can be very noticeable in homes with hardwood floors, as the boards will start to cup or crown. In extreme cases, you may even be able to see cracking in the drywall or plaster.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your home inspected by a foundation repair contractor as soon as possible. Left unchecked, foundation damage can lead to costly repairs down the road.

Wall Cracks

Vertical cracks are usually caused by foundation settling, while horizontal cracks are often the result of expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. If you see any cracks in your walls, it's important to have them checked out by a professional as soon as possible. Left unaddressed, foundation damage can lead to major problems with your home, including structural instability and water damage.

Sticking Doors or Windows

Homeowners in Missouri are all too familiar with sticking doors or windows. As the temperatures cool in the fall, doors and windows that opened and closed smoothly all summer long suddenly start to stick. While this may seem like a minor nuisance, it can actually be a sign of more serious problems.

When the ground freezes and thaws, it expands and contracts. This can cause the foundation of your home to shift, resulting in doors and windows that no longer fit properly in their frames. If you notice your doors or windows sticking, it's important to have your foundation inspected by a professional. Left unaddressed, foundation damage can lead to structural problems that put your home at risk.

Ceiling Cracks

One early warning sign of foundation damage is ceiling cracks. As the soil underneath your home shifts and settles, it can put pressure on the walls and ceiling, causing cracks to form. These cracks may start out small, but they can quickly grow larger and more numerous. If you notice any ceiling cracks, it's important to have your home inspected by a foundation repair specialist. Don't wait until the problem gets worse - addressing foundation damage early on will help to keep your home in good condition for years to come.

Bowed or Leaning Walls

One of the most common signs of foundation damage is a bowed or leaning wall. This can be caused by a number of factors, including hydrostatic pressure from underground water or uneven settling of the foundation. If left unaddressed, bowed walls can lead to serious structural problems. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to repair damaged foundations. With prompt action and the help of a qualified contractor, it is possible to restore your foundation to its original strength.

Leaning Chimney

In Missouri, a leaning chimney is often a sign of damage to the foundation of a home. The soil in Missouri is particularly prone to shifting, and this can cause serious problems for the foundations of buildings. When the soil shifts, it puts pressure on the foundation, and this can lead to cracks and other damage. In some cases, the foundation may even collapse.

A leaning chimney is often one of the first signs that something is wrong with the foundation, and it's important to have the problem assessed by a professional as soon as possible. Repairing foundation damage can be expensive, but it's much cheaper than rebuilding a home from scratch. In many cases, it's also possible to prevent further damage by stabilizing the soil around the foundation. Addressing foundation problems early is essential for protecting your investment in your home.


There is no need to worry if you think your foundation may be in need of repair. There are many professional, reliable contractors in Missouri who specialize in foundation repair. They will be able to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. In most cases, repairs can be made quickly and easily, and your foundation will be good as new. However, if the damage is more severe, the contractor may recommend a more extensive repair or even replacement. No matter what the situation is, you can rest assured that a professional foundation repair contractor in Missouri will be able to help.


Underpinning with steel push piers or helical piers is an effective solution for settling foundations. These piers are installed under the foundation to support and stabilize and lift the foundation to the proper level. While steel push piers are driven into the ground, helical piers are screwed into the ground.

Bowing and leaning walls caused by shifting foundations can be repaired with helical tiebacks or wall plate anchors. Furthermore, helical tiebacks are screwed into the ground through the inside of the wall to pull it straight. Wall anchors are installed by sinking an anchor into the ground next to the wall and attaching it to the wall with a rod and plate. The rod is then tightened to straighten the wall.

If you see foundation problems in your home, contact a repair expert right away. In fact, My Foundation Repairs can help you get in contact with a professional foundation repair contractor in Missouri.


Basement waterproofing is an important home improvement that every Missouri homeowner should consider. Basements are susceptible to flooding, which can damage flooring, walls, and personal belongings. Waterproofing your basement will help to prevent flood damage and create a dry, comfortable space that can be used for storage or as an extra room.

There are a number of basement waterproofing products on the market, so it's important to do your research and choose the right one for your home. You should also have a waterproofing professional inspect your basement and make sure that it's properly sealed before waterproofing it. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your basement is dry and safe from flooding.

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